Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pesto Garlic Bread

Summer is finally here! Our last school day was Friday, and while I was sad to say goodbye to the students, I am so grateful for some time to myself. The past three weeks have been so nutty- I swear I've had more sugar in the past month than I've had in the past 12 months. I feel a bit out of whack, but looking forward to a restful and restorative summer.

I'm sure I'll share more about that later, but for now I'm going to share something that..isn't quite restorative.

Hm, well, it restored my beliefs in homemade compound butters!

I bought this cookbook a few months ago and this jumped right out at me. Certain parties in this household love buttery, cheesy garlic bread. Like, love love love. I'm ambivalent, I prefer pizza if I'm going to go all bread and cheese. But I do like to see everyone smile so, I'm often on the lookout for a good garlic bread for those fancy dinners I sometimes like to prepare at home when I'm sick of restaurants. It happens!

This recipe is good for two loaves of your favorite bread- I like a good whole grain bread. You can bake one up and freeze the other for a quick side dish.

This bread was rated as a top 5 contender for favorite things made in my kitchen. Seriously. Make it. Make someone's day (maybe your own!) and save that leftover basil butter, you'll thank me later.

Pesto Garlic Bread
By Tyler Florence 


1 pound butter
1/2  bunch of fresh basil
10-15 garlic cloves
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 loaves of crusty bread
sea salt

Put all the ingredients (except the bread, duh) in a food processor (or blender, as I did) and whip it up until it is all mixed up and creates a gorgeous basil butter.

Next, slice the bread almost all the way down, leaving the slices hanging together (see photo above). Butter the bread by spreading basil butter between each slice of both loaves, then spreading the remaining butter on the tops of the loaves. Honestly, I end up with a good 1/2 cup left and I freeze it and cook up veggies with it later. Yum.

Wrap both loaves with foil and either bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or freeze for up to a month. When you take it out of the freezer, simply bake it at 350 for 30-40 minutes (mine tends to take longer than the suggested 30 minutes). Let it cool a bit before slicing again and serving.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

food for thought

My cooking has been sporadic lately. Lots of goat cheese omelets and chili. Also, I keep falling asleep before 8:00.

It must be the end of the school year! 5 more teaching days. Lots of things to do. I used to think that the end of the year must be so relaxing for teachers, but it never lets up. Luckily for me, my students are behaving well (knock on wood) and having fun with the projects we have been working on.

I find myself at home, wanting to watch pointless tv and read goofy stuff online. Here's a mixup of things that have caught my attention this week.

Food for Thought: 

I teach in a portable classroom and this company is doing interesting things with old ones! I don't know if I'd want to live in one, but they look pretty nifty and who doesn't love recycling?

I'm not sure how familiar you are with the paleo diet, I'm not totally sold on it but I like it's basic premis and try to limit my grains, sugar and dairy- but I'd be much more interested if they did more research studies about it. This is a sign that they might be headed in the right direction, just maybe.

I went through a health documentary phase a few months ago and watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Good one, very inspiring, and then I went out and bought a juicer and have been drinking homemade veggie juice twice a day. I love it. The filmakers website has the movie as well as hundreds of juice recipes! I used them as a guide in the beginning, so very helpful.

Speaking of documentaries, here is the one that started my fascination with them. Hungry for Change is a great documentary, but they don't make it easy to watch.. I keep hoping it will show up on netflix! Maybe go halfsies on the dvd with some friends and watch it together? They had it for free online a few months ago and I was lucky enough to see it.. I just loved it. The focus on healthy, unprocessed food and accepting and loving ourselves was just exactly what I try to extoll. Try. They hit the nail on the head. A friend of mine has their recipe book and I have had a few things from it, holy moly it has been good!

My family adores Disneyland, and it's been a few years since I've been visited. This time lapse video of Disneyland captures a lot of the chaos and delight of the place. Kinda makes me miss it. Kinda.
