Every other Friday there is something waiting for me on my doorstep. I look forward to it like a kid at Christmas. It's my box of fresh food from an organic farm not too far away. Just look at it! I even love the stinkin' box. There are just two of us in this little house and only one of us (eh, me) actually gets giddy about fresh fruit and veggies.
So far, I love everything about being a part of this community supported agriculture (CSA). I'm so glad we signed up. We get some funky things, like beets-gosh have we got beets, but it forces me to step outside my little cozy box of known food stuffs and try something new. Also, you can tell them if you'd rather not get something if it really bugs you. So far I'm trying it all with my little mixed goods box.
I love that they send me some of my favorite things like fresh strawberries and basil as well as the new and interesting stuff. They are always amazingly fresh and just gorgeous. Can fresh food be gorgeous? It's down right sexy at times. Take a look..
Holy fabulousness batman. How bad do you want me to make a salad right now? I'm a lettuce lover, my sister and I used to grab pieces of iceberg lettuce and snack on it like potato chips. I still love my salads with dressing on the side and often with none at all. Lettuce is a beauty and I just adore the fresh, crispness of it. Yes, I've often been asked if I'm a rabbit when I order salads at restaurants.
They pack the boxes in two layers of food stuffs. If my CSA box were a two story building, the top floor would be the lettuces, the herbs, and this time- the corn..oh the corn. But this stuff would be the first floor of the building. I've been a member of the CSA for a few months now, and I can usually expect to get lettuce, an herb, and another fab green on top. It's what's under that is like candy to me. Look at this stuff! I have such plans for it all. I could eat it all raw, like right this second, but my mandolin slicer is calling my name.
For as much as I love lettuce and all things leafy, you'd think I'd just gobble down any old grape. But I'm grape snob. I want them crunchy and juicy and room temperature. Is that so much to ask? These grapes are going to be gone by this evening. My husband loves grapes of all kinds, and if I'm not careful I might have to ..share. Which I'm good at, but how often do grapes like this come around? And for my discriminating palete... are you falling for it? Can I just eat them all guilt free? Probably not. I'll share, but he better have a look of pure ecstasy on his face while he eats them up.
Another thing I love- the portions of the goodies I get. I got two of these red plums. Two. That might seem like a little, but I do subscribe to the smallest box you can get and I'm the only one who will eat the plums. Two is perfect. I will not take these plums for granted, because they are like a near extinct animal. I will revel in their brilliance and savor every last detail of their scrumdiddlyumptiousness. (that's totally a word. look it up if you don't believe me. oh my. I sound like my students. or Bradley Chalkers.)
You can get bigger boxes for a bigger brood, or fruit only or veggie only. I can't figure out why you wouldn't want to do this? and why it took me so long to get on this train. It's like the farmers market came right to your door! I just had to share, because my joy every other Friday is hard to contain.