I made a pretty delicious vegetable curry last night. I attempted to photograph parts of the process, but totally forgot to photograph the end result. Psh. It's all about the journey right, not the destination? Here's an image of the journey then for you. This is about 75% of the way done. Just needs to simmer and add the cream and peas. I'll let the link do the talking in terms of recipe and such and I'll try to remember to take a picture of the end result next time (Hint: I'm going easy on myself and it will be a smoothie.. I think I can handle remembering things through that whole process)
Since I can't share what the meal looked like, I'll share some other things that are putting a skip in my step. For example, I'm excited! As part of this whole good food move I'm making I decided to follow some sage advice and get a little freezer for the garage. I have these dreams of making soups and stews and buying berries in bulk at the farmers market so I can store them in all their goodness.

I bought the freezer on craigslist. I did research on types of freezers, sizes, frost settings, and all that. I looked at home improvement store websites and cringed at the idea of spending over $200. I just want to see if I actually use it before I go investing in it. Then: Bing! Craigslist. I love that little site. I know most people have a kind of love/super hate relationship with the big guy, but I adore it. I get a little addicted to selling stuff on there, which is why it's so healthy for me to forget about it!
That little (big!) freezer cost $60! deal deal deal. Sold.
I really wanted to buy those deli containers Ina Garten uses on her show- you know, with her homemade stock and berries she pops right out of her freezer? It seems so satisfying, the way she unscrews the lid and the heavenly stuff gets ready for its intended purpose. But I couldn't find them near me and I'm not ready to pay shipping on small, plastic containers similar but not exactly like ones I can find at Smart and Final. So- I bought some not-quite-the-same plastic containers at Smart and Final! Yay- or, we'll see.
Part of the freezer plan is to make a bunch of goodies so that during the school year I can have fresh, delicious (fingers crossed) good food whenever I want. I'm trying to figure out my labeling options. Ideally, I want to recycle these bad boys. Use 'em again and again. But given their 'fragile' state (they are not very thick/durable seeming) that might not be an option.
Another tool in my arsenal of good food is my salad bar. That's what I'm calling the planter box where I very neatly planted some herbs and a bunch of lettuce seeds. Then my big dog dug up a bunch here and there and now I'm just hoping something pops up sometime. I know, or am pretty sure, that it's not the best time to plant little seeds but what's a girl to do? Wait until next spring? No thanks. Also, I get a little impulsive when an idea strikes my fancy and I research and think it through, then go a little nutty and have to do it all right right right now. Do you know what I mean? It's like an itch. I have to scratch it.

Isn't it pretty? This is before the digger got it. The herbs are behind me in the shot, and they're doing ok. Little aphids or other small bug tried to get to them, but I got rid of them . I'm so handy.
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