This is my idea of an idyllic summer meal.
It makes me think of spending time outside, enjoying a nice breeze and reading good books in the sun.
Today is my last 'summer' day. Wednesday is the first 'offical' day back, but tomorrow I'm headed to the classroom. It needs a bit of TLC and I need to spend some time getting myself ready as well. I'm trying very hard to savor this moment, as I have all summer, when I have no papers to grade, lesson plans to turn in, ideas to keep me up at night. It's been a great summer. Last summer our kitchen flooded, the summer before was wedding/puppy/house buying crazy. This summer was just what I needed- days at the lake, wine tasting, cooking, spending time with family and friends.
Here's to the fall being just as spectacular! and to my freezer, for saving me from eating crummy food. I'm already thankful for the days I spent making soups and freezing them. Tomorrow I'm going to make a double batch of that cauliflower soup, I already ate all of the last batch and I know I'll want this one on hand.
I hope this quote holds true for me this year...
“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer”
Albert Camus
I love that quote!