Saturday, December 31, 2011

Photography 101- Duh. Adapt.

I just had to share. I made something yummy and found a spot in the house with much better natural lighting to take pictures. So exciting! Natural light is just lovely, and totally missing in my kitchen. Bummer. Fluorescent lighting abounds in the cooking space. I have my camera set to deal with that problem, which I forgot while taking the natural light photos this morning. Every one of my pictures was turning out blue. Seriously. Then I realized my error and my pictures (in my opinion) went from being Ice Queen palpable to something I'd actually present to guests and eat myself.

Check it out:

Still working out the kinks and learning all over again how to do the photography stuff. Does the milk look weird? I feel like the milk looks weird.

Learning! It's what's happening over here right now.


p.s. Happy New Year's Eve!


  1. I actually think the blue is rather pretty - in a Megan loves blue and green kind of way. Your milk question? Isn't it just Dylan's colored water 1/2% kind of milk? Maybe you need to keep some real milk in the fridge for pictures? (You don't need to post this - I just love your blog) Stephany

  2. You are right! I used the skim milk. I have some real milk for cooking, I should have used that! Next time. Next time.

  3. Blue or not these cookies were amazing!! Thank you for making them!! C.

  4. They were yummy~! I'll post the whole experience soon. I think they would have been even better with a bit of pretzel on the top. Oh yeah. Pretzel. :)


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