Tuesday, October 25, 2011

food for thought

It's Tuesday. It feels like it should be Friday. I feel like I've already taught five days this week. Some new concepts have been... tough. It's days like this that I come home and just want to fart around on food blogs and the interwebs in general. I just want to ponder someone else's existence. I want to wonder why they made that dish, why they wrote that comic panel or why they typed that piece. I don't want to think about integers (come on. pretend you remember what they are) or Ancient Sumerian culture.

As I've mentioned before, I'm a good share-er. I like the shared experiences and ideas. I think it's one reason why I love book clubs and why I prefer to give experiences as gifts as opposed to things. There is something about that connection between people when they share something that is just magical. A pencil, a book, a trip of a lifetime, a good meal or something interesting they read recently.

With that in mind, here are some of the things that are making me feel contemplative today. Click away, check them out, read a bit or don't. I won't ever know. Then, we can chat about it, here or elsewhere and be amazingly connected. Ahh, human interaction.

Food for Thought 

Pumpkin Cornbread. I made this with chili a while back, and substituted whole wheat and raw sugar for the flour and sugar. I thought it was amazing and it forced me to buy molasses, which I am now trying to put into everything I cook. 

See what I mean about quotes? Everyone loves them.

I'm completely infatuated with this 'book club' idea, can I be in it even though I do not fit the age range? I'm pleased as punch that it exists.

Do you love your spice rack or spice organizational system? I need a new one. Maybe this beaker one, which I totally adore and fits very will with my color scheme. Where do people come up with these ideas? I'm in awe!


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