Tuesday, August 14, 2012

food for thought

Tomorrow my summer is over. Back to the grind, which means that tonight I'm thinking of lunches to get ready for the week and getting my coffee set up to be ready and waiting for me in the morning.

As much as I love summer, I'm ready for the school year to begin. I thrive when I'm busy and feeling purposeful. But I also get easily overwhelmed and stressed out. I'm hoping that I can avoid that this year. I've moved schools and hope that I'll have more time to focus on teaching and less extra duties that kind of wore me out.

Here are a few things I've been loving in this last bit of summer...

food for thought 

I'm not going Paleo 100% (a lifestyle with lots of veggies and protein), but kind of with the whole no wheat thing, so I've been searching for a good paleo blog to give me ideas for wheat free meals. I stumbled upon nom nom paleo and am in love!

One of the books I thoroughly devoured this summer was Room, by Emma Donoghue. It's the story of a mother and son who are trapped in a room, and the mother makes life very interesting for the young boy by turning everything into games and riddles. The most striking aspect of the story is the fact that the young boy is the narrator. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. I could not put it down.

Another favorite, and an author I am currently obsessed with, was Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. This one is a heartbreaking memoir that made me want to lace up my hiking boots and go out for hours. I cannot tell you how much I admire her courage and spirit and at the same time how much she just baffles me. I loved her writing style so very much that I picked up her book, Tiny Beautiful Things, a compilation of advice columns she wrote as Dear Sugar. It was another simply fabulous read. Very well worth your time, though you can read all the advice online too!

This video was suggested by a friend for being inspiring and heart warming.  It doesn't disappoint, get out your tissues.

Have I posted about this lunch roundup before? I know it's for kids, but I like the ideas (sans wheat of course, 14 days and still going!)

have you heard of a leptocephalus? I'm entranced by this thing.


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